Top Five Khaby Lames Videos - He has more followers than Mark Zuckerberg
Few users of any of the social networks have heard of Khaby Lame, a man who without saying a word explains to people how to do certain things "correctly", sharing video instructions on Facebook, Instagram or TikTok.
Khaby, after losing his job due to the coronavirus pandemic, decided to shoot humorous videos in which he mocks certain phenomena on social networks and shows the simple and logical way in which certain things are done.
Also, if you think Charlie Chaplin or Rowan Atkinson are the kings of silent comedy, you should check out Khaby's post on social media once before the final trial.
Here we bring you some of the most watched Khaby Lame videos, and she at the top of the list has more than 133 million views on Instagram.
Because of his videos, he gained more followers than the platform's owner, Mark Zuckerberg. / Telegraphy /
1. What floats and what does not (135 million views)
2. Si ta hapni derën siç duhet (111 milionë shikime)
3. Si të përgjysmoni siç duhet një mollë (98.7 milionë shikime)
4. Si të qëroni siç duhet një banane (86.2 milionë shikime)
5. Si të shpëtoni kur “kapni” një copë veshje në derë (72.8 milionë shikime)
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